Friday, 29 June 2007
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
I attended an ANC policy conference earlier today, but not as a member or delegate but to do my work. Approaching Midrand the traffic on the road gave me an idea of what to expect in Gallagher estates. Going down the road I could see a sea of executive cars parked inside the demarcated areas and people going up and down. Comrades who seem to have last seen each other in exile hugging like they have magnets.
I felt intimidated and I tried to park my car outside of the demarcated areas, but a Metro police told me to park inside if I don’t want them to taw my car. I thought inside parking was reserved for the executive cars… I am telling you ANC people are driving. I saw a number of X5’s Z4, Hard bodies etc you would swear that people who attended the conference were all from the rural areas judging by a high number of 4X4 that were there.
I parked my car and approached the entrance… there was a group of about 30 men wearing sleazy leather jackets I mean all of them. There were some whites there that also looked smart considerign what we know them for in fashion. ANC policy conference can make mockery of some fashion parades that I have seen, but my concern was that there no women. I didn’t go there to see women but for an organisation that claims to have empowered women what I saw there is not good enough. I wonder how many director generals are female Director generals that were there were men.
Making matters even more difficult were a number of security personnel… almost every second person was a security personnel should I say security man. I am sure NIA also put some male spies. The there thing that I noticed was that KZN and Northern Cape delegates have a different agenda to the programme. They kept on singing about the Zuma presidency and denouncing the present president. The president said there would be no succession debate, but I think he misunderstood the mood of his people.
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Soccer in SA

Monday, 18 June 2007
Are we positive or negative
Monday, 11 June 2007
Is Pali Lehohla at it again?
President Mbeki is attacking stats SA for the accuracy or inaccuracy of its figures. What a sham… it is a known fact that unemployment especially amongst black youth is very high. Instead of looking at what Mdladlana, and Mastepe Casaburu have done in their departments to reduce this high unemployment.Mdladlana and the Sectorals Education and Training Authorities SETA’s should be the one’s whom Mbeki should vent his frustration with. We always hear of how South Africa has a skills shortage and SETA’s were forned as an the answer to that. What do we a have to show for it? Battered, exploited and disposed off youth who don’t have work experience or eager to go to the SETA’s again. If only Mdladlana can take over SETA’s from employers who tend to treat learner workers as cheap labour. Telecommunication worldwide is the biggest employer of you yet in South Africa we are yet to witness that. Matsipe Cassaburi who proved to be a failure with all the post she had. I am not sure why she is still in that position or it is women empowerment? I am sure there is more than one woman who can do a better job than she is doing.Mbeki is picking on a soft target Lehohla and company because he knows those guys sometime give dodgy stats …we know they are not as competent as we would love them to be, but Mr president look at the real culprits, maybe you are also responsible. What is really hilarious is that Mbeki is accusing StaSA of including people who had just lost their jobs and were likely to get jobs given the nature of the Economy. I hear Vavi shouting again Hitler rhetoric! Are people who are likely to get job employed or unemployed? Some one who understands this language help me. Does it really make sense? If you are likely to get a job therefore you must not be considered unemployed for how long?