It was not surprising to hear see headline reading “ANC hijacked Athletes welcome party” the airport was so full Malema thought it was an ANC rally. Judging by their mobilisation one could mistake it for a welcome back party of some political icons. They have done us proud they deserve every moment of glory.
Most interestingly as noted by Julius Malema there were few white South Africans who came to welcome our athletes. In the previously it was almost a norm that there would be more whites than blacks to welcome our heroes. What has changed? Can it be because there was no white medallist this time around? Caster Semenya’s debacle was a cause for all of us to rally behind our athletes. It was disturbing though to learn that our usual suspects, expatriates in Australia are not behind the humiliation of this young girl but one of our own is.
I hope you are ashamed of yourself for what you have done to our country of great athletes. We had pocketed Gold and silver in big events before and we gonna do it again. The likes of Josiah Thugwana, Penny Haynes, Khotso Mokoena, Ryk Neetling and his team and more have done it before, why must we shoot ourselves in the foot when it matters most. All eyes are on South Africa in the sporting events, Springboks are beating our rivals left right and centre, Protease are number one in both one day and test game we are hosting the world in 2010 and now this.South Africa deserves better.
As for political scoring at the airport that could be expected once you put together the ANCYL and YCL in one platform. Even though I must admit that of late YCL speaks the language of youth I guess Gugu Ndima did a sterling job by returning some dignity of the king of outrage Castro Ngobese has left.