Thursday, 10 June 2010


Westrand trains are suspended because apparently workers torched a metro rail train for being late. I don’t buy into a belief that commuters spontaneously burn trains whenever they are angry. Do we believe that people go to work expecting to be upset and therefore carry with them Petrol, Matches and all these dangerous stuff that you can think of? I don’t think so, there are people behind this, why would commuters burn their only cheap means of transport.  

I was driving via Bree taxi rank last week and I couldn’t believe how long were the queues to west rand.     A colleague of mine who use trains called around 18h00 telling me that she was still in Johannesburg. She left the office at 16h00, I only left the office at 17h00 and by the time she called I had already negotiated the N1 traffic to Pretoria and was only 5 minutes away from my house. She told me some people arrived in Krugersdorp at around 23h00 in the evening and their bosses expected them early morning the following day. Taxi industry cannot cope with the train people ever.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Much ado about nothing

The city of Cape Town entered into agreement with the people of Makhaza to build them toilets. Stupidly the city fell for an agreement to build the infrastructure for the and later they could erect walls for them selves. For desperate people this is a very tempting proposal. If I were going to the donga to soil a toilet of any nature would be acceptable.
When the infrastructure was done people were left with stand-alone toilet sits.

Enter ANC youth league, which according to the ANC documents it, is in disarray. They were prepared to prove once and for all to Hellen Zille that they could still bite. I have no they managed to squeeze DA led city council to erect structures. But they were hoping that local government election would reach those toilets and capitalise on that. They were not aware that the City council has other ideas. The city decided to give in to ANVYL pressure and built structures around the toilets to preserve dignity of the people which they should have done long time ago.

Now frustrated and out of ideas the youth league decided to dismantle them or should I say they destroyed them. Condemning those who still go to the dongas to help themselves to another misery. One resident said she wanted that toiled because she was tired of going to the dongas or neighbouring township for a toilet as it is not safe. One Buffoon from the ANC said she was minority. Ironically this guy has a flushing toilet in his house. Now the DA led municipality has an upper hand as they will save money and not build those toilets again.

The irony of all this is that, when the ANC was running the city they never thought beyond tenders and build toilets for the poor. They squabbled to oblivion; now that someone is doing something for the poor they start talk.  The city can do better those toilets are not good enough but they are far better than what I have seen country wide in ANC run municipalities. Just go to Dieploot, Alex, Nelson Mandela the list is endless. What they could have done was to constructively intervene, but let people use those toilets they need them.

I hope the ANC could win local government and see what they would do. I am beginning to ask myself do I keep on voting these guys. This is Hooliganism of the highest order of wasting taxpayer’s money by destroying what we already have. No wonder when workers strike or there is a protest March people burn existing structures.  Looting and all of that is because when the youth league run riot the ANC is as quiet as a mouse

Now the DA upped the ante they removed the infrastructure all together. Makaza residents are now a football in the field of ANCYL and the DA. Both exploit their plight. As the saying goes when elephants fight it is the grass that suffers.  It will take some tie for the local government to put back those toilets. The ANC Youth League must be proud of themselves that they successfully denied Makaza residence some kind of privacy. Makaza residents also not innocent they didn’t voice their dissatisfaction with the league but later they show interest in those toilets by burning tyres and protesting.
They should have done that in the first place when they ANC YL denied them access to their toilets.
Plato feels in top of the world now that he managed to egg on ANCYL faces not that they care they live in houses with in house toilets any way. Plato was supposed to bring the police when installing those toilets nothing would have happened to them.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Still on track

At least bafana bafana are showing a steady progress, it is amazing how a change of coach can do to players. Sometimes it is said players don’t want to play for a coach. I think it was the case with Santana. These players lost 9 out of 10 games under Santana, but under Pereira they have not lost a single game in as many matches. Maybe playing Thailand first was not bad after all. Despite the draw bafana could have won by a bigger margin if they took all their chances against Bulgeria, but Ivanov stuck to Mphela like a glued wood.

Kagiso was oozing with confidence, which is what we want from our player. For a change Teko Modise played well I hope he will build up his confidence from here. As a commentator Cebo Manyaapelo put it, South African are quick to write players off if they don’t see them. Siyabonga Nomvete still has some good touches and speed they the youngsters can envy. Again my player was the unfashionable Thanduyise Kuboni, I must admit that I never thought he would crack it when he was called up. Now seems to be confidant cool and composed under pressure. South Africa needs a player like him not fancy and stylish but very effective.

I am sure Pereira by now is confused as to leave out and who to take. Lance David I consider him a very lucky player, but I think his luck is running out when it matters the most. He has the international experience he is versatile but also the master of non.

He will be very lucky to survive this time, Fransman, Mdledle, Yeye, Ngcagca (I like him though), I am not sure about Benny it does not look like he will make it even though Pereira likes him.

Overall bafana a gelling as a unit that will make them a force to be reckoned with come World cup. We might spring some surprises.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Is it a good thing

So the president took a public HIV test, this was a good PR exercise and so far it worked as everyone even the critics applauded him. This support comes in the backdrop of his predecessor refusing flat to take any HIV test let alone in public. In my opinion the president should not have taken the HIV test in public or announce his results. If he were HIV positive I don’t think he would make the public announcement because of stigma. For him to announce the results won’t help anyone, but what he should have done is to encourage every one to test and keep his or her status secret.

Now that he tested negative wil that not encourage recklessness amongst the rigid traditionalists who don’t believe in this condom thing. We all know he had sex with an HIV infected woman and came out unscathed. This in a twisted way might lead to unintended consequences.  Take someone in a rural village in Matatiele or Makhado who does not subscribe to condom use. What the result of the president is saying to him is that, it does not matter whether you sleep with someone infected with HIV you are not going to get it. You might as well go on and sleep around without a condom after that.

What message did he pass to the layman in the street, who regards him as a hero? Was it a good thing that the president took pupblic test and made results public.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Is Bafana Bafana convincing?

I must say Bafana played well against Thailand they never lost shape even after the introduction of a number of substitutes. 4-0 is flattering, but against Thailand how much can we read out of this?  Should Lesley Sedibe be afraid that his vote of no confidence coupled with R1million Rand per goals scored during World cup would back fire?

I have never heard of Thailand soccer team until I heard they were heading to our shores and SAFA was confident that was not the case. Apparently it is because they were still looking for a credible country. Other countries in our group are getting better oppositions whilst we still playing the likes of Thailand. One caller said to Redi Direko why would an MBA student in his preparation use a Matric question paper. I must admit I laughed out loud thanks goodness I was driving alone.

Health and safety at the work place.

Mining in South Africa is dangerous, this country has got some of the deepest mines in the world and of course the deeper you go the more dangerous mines become. This can be minimised by sticking to the “mining health and safety act,” but no this will affect profit margins. For someone who is working in the metal industry you’ll expect some level of danger as well no work place is completely safe after all. Employers completely disregard this and go as far as locking out the  Labour inspectors from their premises. Employers should provide workers with healthy and safe work environment where they can.

I visited one Eskom plant and I was impressed with the level of safety conscious of alomost all their  workers. At Eskom safety of workers is priority therefore they even celebrate no injury week, month, I think they can't wait  for no disabling injury and death free year (which is not impossible). People still die at work, but at least you can take solace in that they prioritise safety and show that they care. In 2003 I visited Koeberg Nuclear plant and an articulate Carin de Villiers took us through their safety routine I was convinced that they are doing a good job, but that was until I met Leila Mohamed and her team from Earthlife Africa of course. That does not take away the fact that Eskom seem to be caring for its workers.

I wish I can say the same about mining and metal workers, I have just spoke to Puleng Minale a Health and safety organiser from Numsa, he made a good of how employers neglect the safety of workers in pursuit of that extra rand. He says, “ if a worker die the maximum an employer can pay is R100.000, but to keep up Healthy and safety environment to a required level can cost a company anything from R2Million to R4 million.

If an employer have to choose between to make work environment safer or paying for the dead the choice is obvious. They choose to take their chances hoping that no one would be injured or die. If unfortunately someone dies they won’t spend as much as they would spend on health and safety. This sounds sick, but it is reality for workers out there. In South Africa like in the USA Company directors are immune from accountability.  Unions have been calling for Directors to answer in Court if people die at work. Until Directors can be charged for negligence and go to jail, health and safety of workers will always be secondary to them.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

2010 World Cup vs the Poor

When South Africa won the bid to host the world cup South Africans at last felt that the Charles Dempsey injustices of 2004 was now history. 2010 is here and a lot of people are still unemployed and poverty still ravaging the country. What were the  expectations of the working class and workers in relation to the 2010 Soccer World Cup.

When South Africa was granted the right to host the FIFA 2010 World Cup it also came with the hopes of job opportunities and poverty alleviation. This was partly the basis upon which South Africa won the bid and indicated in its bid document.

Hope for new jobs in construction, hospitality and informal trading were renewed. Hospitality and informal sectors are mostly dominated by women and this was therefore seen as an opportunity for women to make a better living. Five years later has that materialised? Mainly temporary jobs were created in construction companies but workers were constantly in conflict with management concerning salaries and working conditions. Green point stadium alone was hit by strikes several times, whilst trade unions like COSATU, FEDUSA and BCAWU mobilised more than 70 000 workers to strike for a 13 % percent increase in 2008. Despite this some construction workers are still grateful that at least they got the job.  Simos Maboea a construction worker at the Soccer City Stadium is one of them “2010 have created jobs in South Africa because without 2010 pepople will in the streets with no jobs and skills.”.said Maboea.

Many promises of sustainable jobs and skills transfers to construction workers have been broken in the build-up to the World Cup. Bonuses promised like tickets to World Cup matches have not been honoured. Simon Nyalungu is a 35-year-old construction worker from Limpopo. He was retrenched when Soccer City Stadium in Soweto was finished and lost contact with the employer.   “I use to work in the stadium but now they have kicked us out I am now unemployed. These people promised us Tickets but now that we are outside and out of jobs we don’t know how are we gonna get those tickets”.  The labour movement looked forward to gaining from the Soccer Wold Cup as more people would get new jobs and join unions to protect their rights. In this way the working class would be benefiting through socio economic development. Instead the government committed more than R60 billion to 2010 World cup , but there is no sign of dividends.

Informal traders (street vendors) didn’t escape the wrath of local government and big business. They were harassed week in and week out and even threatened with eviction at places like a 100 year old Howick Market in Durban and FNB stadium in Soweto. Ever since the start of Stadia constructions street vendors on construction sites lived with fear that any time they could be evicted.

The latest threat was aimed at Soccer city Traders when Jo’burg city sent someone to let them know they are not wanted in February 2010. On the eve of 100 days celebrations Pat Horn of street net lamented the fact that FIFA drives South African soccer culture away from the stadiums “We want to see African street culture, music and indigenous food, the ‘shisa nyama’, informal traders, as an integral part of a visitor’s experience of South Africa,” she said.

Levels of poverty and unemployment are critically high in South Africa, with 25 million South Africans living UNDER the poverty line. Experts estimate that South Africa has spent R20 billion of taxpayer’s money, some expert’s estimate as high as R63 billion! The 2010 Soccer Wold Cup was seen as an easy way of easing the intensification of poverty and unemployment. With billions of Rands spent on this event, should the working class have to celebrate on Mayday when we salute the gains of workers?

Monday, 10 May 2010

Gangster's Paradise

I think fighting crime in South Africa is a non-starter. I was shocked to hear that a hit man called the police after killing Lolly Jackson. Initially I thought he used 10111, but later it appeared that he called a cell phone not of an ordinary policeman or woman, but that of a Police Commissioner. I am sure law abiding citizens don’t have that privilege. Why criminals have the numbers of the most important people on crime prevention. The commissioner made some lame excuses saying he didn’t even remember the guy. I think crime intelligence is taking the people of this country for a ride. How do they keep hardened criminals in their spy profiles?

After the killing of Brett Keble the same thing happened Glen Agglioti who later confessed about the so called assisted suicide called the then Police commissioner Jackie Selebi. Their story is now everyones knowledge. The police are not forthcoming with the information surrounding loly Jackson’s murder, you asked yourself why.
They even hide the fact that Jackson’s Car was found, why?
Criminals used to live in the under world, but not anymore. Your everyday world is now intertwined with the underworld you don’t know who to trust anymore. Scary is it?

What did you celebrate on Freedom day?

I don’t subscribe to Motsoko Pheko’s ideas but I think the ANC leadership after reading his comment (Mail and Guardian 23 April 2010) they should pause and reflect on this so called freedom.
Pheko wrote
“27April this year gives this nation the opportunity to reflect on the journey to freedom that has been abandoned for ferry –tale destination. The burning of tyres and blocking of roads all over the country is a signal that something must be corrected before it is too late.”

He says, in South Africa most unemployed people are Africans. The poorest people are African. People who live in squalid inhuman settlements are Africans. These inhuman settlements often burn or flood, destroying lives and property. The least equipped hospitals and clinics are those that serve Africans.
The Worst or not roads are where Africans live. The least educated and skilled people in South Africa are Africans. People who have no money for education and are being educated in the lowest numbers are Africans…. yet billions of rands buy land and servicing the apartheid debt.

Nothing that Pheko said is new but we are so blind to see reality that we even defend fraudsters just because they happened to share the same skin colour as us. Shame on us!

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Road accidents in SA

Death is all around us, but there is no better plays to witness this than in South African roads.28 people died in one accident in the Western Cape, apparently because of greed. The bus had more passengers that it was suppose to carry. South African roads are the most dangerous in the world yet our government is so modest in response.

 This latest accident won’t be recorded properly in our minds as it doesn’t fall on the pick times where we are updated daily. According to Arrive Alive website between 2001 and 2008 staggering 203,057 people died on our roads.

What is even more worrying is that the number seems to be rising every year. In 2001, 11,201 people died and in 2008 14, 419 people died. It is important to note that between 2008 and 2010 the number might be frightening despite the well-publicised decrease in fatalities over the Easter weekend.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Justice delayed is justice denied

I had just spoken to a lady of the night talking about sex work and 2010 less than an hour ago. But what struck me is what we discussed off the record. She said that she can't see her child, she can't go to her kasi(township) Mzimhlophe everyone is calling her names. All this is because Etv put her face on TV without her consent on 3rd degree, their flagship investigative programme. Asking for a recourse she claims Etv just scribbled on a piece of paper an apology. She felt insulted, cheated and humiliated and left their office without accepting their apology.

She felt that ETV had to pay her for using her face on their programme without her consent. Etv she says, “Ruined my life sengisaba nokuya ekasi” (I’m even afraid to go to my township. “I can’t face my family and now they taken my child told her I am bad” is her words as she sits stone faced on the other side of the table. I didn’t have words to console her especially now that even Tshwaranang, which is handling her case, is not calling any more.

Even though she feels that she has a strong case on human dignity and invasion of her privacy she is scared to push Tshwarang too hard in case they drop her without justice being meted out to Etv. Her case was referred to High court around March in 2009, a year later she has never heard anything despite the fact that she has never changed her number. In a nutshell this is what big cooperates do to those they deem useless and can’t fight them. We didn’t meet for this,  but I felt that it couldn’t be right that someone who works, as a prostitute should be humiliated like this. If you are a lawyer and you think you can help her leave a comment and your contact details on this blog.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Lust in conferences

I attended Mass education Conference and film festival for workers and the working class in Birchwood hotel in Boksburg. I remember one of the films was by Michael Moore “Capitalism the Love story”, what a story.
It was for the first time I spend so much time with people in organised labour mixed with Community radio people from all provinces. I must say behaviour of some of the comrade as they would like to be addressed was weird at times down right bizarre.

As people were booked in double rooms I heard two gentleman discussing their sleeping arrangements with one sleeping with a woman and the other finding an alternative and the following day it will be visa versa. There is nothing wrong with that except that both of them at the time they didn’t know whom they were going to conquer for that evening.

My colleague complained that there was some sort of harassment from some guys. I asked one guy why is this the case he laughed and said surely I have never been to a conference “ what happens at conferences stay there”. I was also told there are a lot of young girls who don’t know much about what is going on here, they should find themselves waking up in the guys rooms as to how I have no idea.

Where women are concerned men have the right to make advances, but they should be within the limits. I heard a sense that guys wanted to sleep with some at all cost except rape, but intimidations. There were new workers who were there for the first time and they had to be subjected to this. Why man lack self-respect. During lunch time the others guys had a heated debate because the other felt that his colleague is barrier to some young women, really now does it really have to go to that?

At the end I was not surprised when one of those young ladies told the whole house that even though it was her first time at such gathering she felt harassed. She also felt that there was no one to hear their complains. The response from the house was even more shocking, the guys burst out laughing. I felt like the earth should open and bury me.
How do I allow my daughter to attend such important gatherings when there are vultures ready to pounce on her because of her vulnerability?

Friday, 9 April 2010


I think as South Africans we like to hurt each other. I see no reason why after 1994 reconciliation we still have to sing the song that talk about killing others. Those are our struggle songs, our history which needs to be preserved not to be used at our convenience. History of whites also included “skiet die kaffir” do they have to preserve that history too? Can we allow them to say that in public forums?

But at the same time we need to be sensitive when we condemn people. Malema has been called names for singing “dubula ibhunu”, whilst the AWB proudly and publicly wear Vierkleur (Apartheid flag) and the government officials see nothing wrong at least their silence suggests that.

Black people hate that Flag as much as the whites hate the struggle songs, so instead of fighting Malema they should at the problem we have as a whole. Whites would like to humiliate Africans at every opportunity they are given  (disguising in hatred for Bee, transformation, service delivery, crime etc). Africans would like to do the same for no good reason either.

Mzwakhe Mbuli once said “an eye for an eye make  the world blind human kind must put an end to wars or wars would put an end to human kind” instead of blaming white can we look at what we are doing right and focus on doing better. Reconciliation didn’t end with Nelson Mandela era, but it was the beginning. Can black people condemn black people or is that reserve for white to do. Visa versa whites seem to be very quiet when one of them is out of order. I think the more we think of South Africa as a brand that need to be protected from the outside world who have a joll at the moment the better for our country.

We can’t wish away white people and they can’t wish Africans away either, so working together is the only viable option so let us make it work.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010


Terreblanche died then everyone else has to stand and listen to Boer crap.
When he shot a man where were they? I think it is better that we agree that the law should take its course as we did with the man himself. Now that two people have been arrested the law should take its course. I was worried that racists amongst us killed him, but no it seems like the motivation was not race or criminal. The other worrying thing is that there is a 16 year old involved. Whose salary was he fighting for? I know for a fact that child labour is illegal, but the problem is still rife especially in the farms. Can Labour Department do a useful thing for once and find out if that child was a worker. And leave politics to politicians

Talking about politics why are white people so afraid of communism anyway? An apparent pay dispute turned ugly and now all of a sudden people are carrying placards with “ down with communism”, did I miss something here. What has Terreblanche’s death have to do with communists? The underpaid workers wanted their peanuts to go spend them with their loved one over the Easter, apparently their boss denied them their right, then they acted stupidly.

In the newspapers this morning some comment are so hilarious. One farmer all the way from Northern province came to support other white supremacists and went as far as blaming FW De Klerk for the murder of their leader. White Boer proved over and over that they are not Africans they should stop calling themselves Afrikaners because they are not. 

The subscriber

Poor service is something we come to live with it, in these competitive times you would expect that good service will be a priority. The Sunday times voluntarily promised me that if I subscribe with them I will get the time daily for free. I have subscribed with them before, but this time there was a carrot being dangled in front of me so I was tempted enough. The very first Sunday that the newspaper was supposed to be delivered it was not.

On Monday I called and got a swift response and a promise that the paper will be delivered the next Sunday and that at the end of my subscription they will deliver one more paper to make up for the one they didn’t deliver. That week it slipped my mind that completely that I was promised a FREE daily newspaper. I called and got as quick response that it will be sorted soon “tomorrow you should have your paper sir” said the voice of a lady on the other side of the line. I spent the whole week doing the same thing and getting the same polite same answers.

I eventually drew up a timetable for calling them every week, this started in February until the end of November, when someone realised that my contract was due for renewal soon. I only got my first ever “The Times” in the first week of December.
What was really surprising was that they were so quick in closing the supply they didn’t even honour their promise of an extra week. I got the time for an extra week, but I don’t think it was an extra though. I never bothered them with any calls but withheld my money thank you very much.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Steve Hofmeyer insulted me

I read the Steve Hofmeyer’s letter to Malema and I was disappointed that you find it appropriate to use racist undertones. Steve you were vote the best South African at some stage and his gatvol letter didn’t reflect that. I think it is an indictment on those who thought were as good as Mandela. What I have failed to understand with some white people, is why do they brush black people with the same brush when they have a problem with one black idiot?

On dealing with Malema Hofmeyer you went on to insult every black person not only in an African continent, but worldwide. I am not a racist at least I think so and I don’t think I deserve to be boxed in the same category as Julius Malema. I don’t believe all white people are racist but they enjoyed apartheid who wouldn’t? I can’t come and call all of them names because one Stupid Terreblanche or Hofmeyer said some stupid things about me or my race for that matter.

The fact that black people have not invented anything Mr Hofmeyer doesn’t make every black person a stupid. The fact that white people invented so many things that doesn’t make every white person a genius, I am sure you are a proof of that. I am sure your verbal diarrhoea left a bad taste in your Afrikaans music fans. You didn’t have to insult me when you had a gripe with Malema.

For your information I am not his fan and I was looking forward to your letter when I heard about it. I thought Malema at long last had his match, little did I know you are as bad. You did little for the curse of the Afrikaner folk if you did any thing at all. I hope they call you into order, because judging by your attitude you will only listen to your fellow whites. Seis Hofmeyer, who ever made you Afrikaaner spokesperson made a blunder please live it to your Dirk Herman I think they are still doing a good job without insulting me in the process of fighting for retention of their privileges

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Is Jozi that bad

Johannesburg is a beautiful City except that there is still a lot of decay that needs to be taken care of. This morning I come from Pretoria by Train and as I disembarked in Johannesburg Park Station, the city was abuzz with thousands of people from the train going to different directions. My route was to our office in Pritchard Street a two way street six street away from the Train Station. Everyone seems to be very friendly, it is amazing how Jo’burg is known for being rough and unfriendly yet as I left the train station one guy stepped on my foot by a mistake and apologised politely and moved on. I took Noord Street to Wonderers street and turned towards Plain Street as music was blasting from the shops along my route.  Taxis are bussy ferrying passengers from Wonderers Street, which is largely used as a taxi rank to different destinations around Jo’burg. Shop owners are bussy opening their shops setting up their displays for business. As I jump Plain street which is also a very bussy street used as a major street by taxis, wonderers becomes Kruise Street and street vendors are set up already with their low quality cheap Bafana bafana merchandise and Vuvuzela at every stand. Those merchandise are all probably made in China judging by the price.

As I reach Bree next to a derelict Post office there is a stench of urine from a secluded corner and filth. I enter Small Street, which used to be the hub of business, but now home to Somalis and Nigerian businesses selling any thing from china and the Middle East.
As I approach Pritchard I am reminded of Zimbabwe problem as I saw a group of filthy thugs like guys loitering, women selling Magwinya (fat cake) and soaps and towels on the side of the street. I am almost in the office, but not before crossing busy Von Wileigh Street. Taxi’s coming up from Marshalltown side up to Noord taxi rank are passing regardless of whether robots are green or not. Pedestrians have to force their way so is the traffic on Pritchard Street I join them and make my way across the street. A stand of women selling fruits next to another taxi rank is already buzzing with business. Municipal workers are hard at work cleaning the city. The city look very y clean compared to the stake we left in yesterday are there people, are the people who clean the city whilst we are sleeping?

I am on time today so I go in to the office. I feel like I was acting in a movie it looks like every one is fake. Fake smiles, fake clothes, fake works, and big car on the road driven by people I suspect they are in debts. I will repeat this in the afternoon except that by then Jozi will be three times busier that now, there will be no parking available in the CBD, and there be more cheap fake stuff going on. A friend of mine promised to buy me a fake USB player for R10.00 I will see how long it will last in my car. It is definitely fun to walk than to drive especially in Gauteng

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Dodgy reporting

Nomvula Mokonyane apparently owes the city of Jozi thousands in traffic fines.
Malema paid his debt and to add more Black management forum smell racism in it.
Do I have to believe The Star? Maybe yes, but maybe no. Few weeks ago That Star had a big story on Minister Sisulu and her husband having trouble paying their bond for a house in Sandton and the house was going to be auctioned. Today this story has been relegated to 5th page and most interestingly the house has moved itself from Sandton to Midrand.  There was never an apology to say we made a mistake that house is in Midrand or  as a matter of fact the House is in Sandton. You see reporters are not as reliable as they want us to belive.

Who do we believe politicians or reporters? My gut feeing say trust reporters. Can they be racist as Malema and BMF suggest? Yes they can. Is the Star a credible paper to be doing life style Audits on black rich people? For a long time the Star has proved to be the mouthpiece of whites in this country therefore even if they are doing a good job which I think they are, blacks will always be suspicious of their intentions.

Already BMF think that they are doing this to vilify black rich people, as to say if you are rich and black there must be some dodgy things about you even if it just a traffic fine they can hang on to, they will make a headline out of it. Does that mean White politicians are immune? Lifestyle audits are supposed to affect everyone who seem to b living beyond their means. I am not sure if The star had that feeling when they followed Nomvula Mokonyane.  Whilst I strongly believe that Malema asked for Audits because of his denial Nomvula don’t deserve this.

The question we must ask ourselves is how often does she drive her self if she does at all? At what speeds are the VIP cars suppose to be travelling because I have never seen them stop at the robots nor driving at our normal speed on our roads. They are even allowed to drive on the yellow lane. Given all this do our reporters do they research on what was suppose to happen. Surely cameras will do their job (record all speeding car) but what happens after that. I don’t have facts myself so it is best if we leave it to Journos to explain the protocols of motorcades before crying fowl. With that we can be on the same page at present this is subject to interpretation.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Gunners are fighting back

Arsenal have shown signs of maturity this season and already nervous fans from big two teams are already saying even if Arsenal wins the league they have failed to beat them. “The same can be said about Man U last season,” said Arsene Wenger on his newsletter to Arsenal fans. I think I am impressed with the die hard attitude that Arsenal players have shown this season. It is a known fact that obituary was written even before the season starts. With the loss of Adebayor and Toure this season looked bleak even to the die hard fans. They proved everyone wrong after that, but following their loss to both Man U and Chelsea they were written of once again. They reinvented themselves like never before and at some stage they were at the summit albeit temporarily.

Even if they don’t win the league this season they have shown that they are no longer the kinder garden of yesterday. On their game against Stoke city when Ramsay broke his leg most thought that it was Eduardo incident all over again, but no the boys wiped their tears and did the business. Against all odd against Hammers they did well once again. Almunia was outstanding, but Alex Song was even better. If they can keep those wins coming in who knows they might end up winning the league. As for champions league it is a big ask. Beating Barca will be an upset, but I am hoping for that upset and from there everything is possible.

Thursday, 18 March 2010


It always perturbs me when I feel that I am being taken advantage of. Eskom has just increased its tariffs by 25%, which is equal to about 20cents per kilowatt excluding the municipal fee. We don’t like to pay more as SA citizens; the feeling of entitlement does not help matters either. We are told that SA power is cheap, but compared to who is always my problem. First the recipients of this power are mostly poor. Why do we compare ourselves to the first world? On what bases? Is Eskom paying its employees equivalent of what the First world is paying their employees? No. Does South African have as much disposable income like poor US citizens? No
Let stop comparing apples with bananas, maybe things are not that simple then give us a bigger picture.

Despite all this most South Africans have accepted that they can’t do otherwise if our power is so cheap. Then Eskom through that at our faces by making secret deal with companies that consume 76% of all the power that Eskom generates.  What is more disturbing is that despite the fact that Eskom concedes that our power is cheap how eve they give big companies fro free. Are they expecting us to understand that? What must I think when Eskom extort 80c per kilowatt from me and take as little as 9c from a multinationals.

Eskom generates power at the cost of 27c per kilowatt which is not cheap, but go on to sell it at a loss which is a 17c per kilowatt to some selected companies. BHP Billiton is alleged to pay only 9c per kilowatt talk about the sweet deal or Mandela’s Sunset cause legacy. If they are so in debt that they can’t even build one new power station why are they selling at a loss boggles ones mind. Eskom is a parastatal, therefore unlike the power station id the US my tax money keeps it afloat, but after bailing it out with my Tax they still want more.

I think Eskom in the wake of this scandal should revise its secret deals and put the country first. At least these companies can afford to pay the minimum of a production cost at least can’t they?
The rolling 25% should be revisited and be reduced by at least 5-10% per year.
For now we will take 25 % on our chins

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Back Home

Ever since the government of our popular President took over they had to deal with saving face almost every second month. From Zuma’s utterances on Gays and Lesbians, on stop marriage ceremonies to baby making.

I must admit like Malema ( for different reasons though) it is very awkward to imagine a father figure like Zuma having sex. I never wanted to admit that my parents did it either even though it was obvious. This is taboo in African culture and Zuma being the traditionalist that he is should have guarded it, but it is a known fact that  he has completely failed. I have been asking myself if he will ever have time to govern without trying to justify his actions. There seems to be PR crises after another.

Whilst we were still shocked that instead of declaring his assets and interest of his family he chose to seek legal advice, the spokesperson of the Organisation Jackson Mthembu was busy driving drunk in Cape Town. What was really disturbing was the alleged reaction of the police in Mowbray Police station. Instead of arresting the culprit they threatened the law enforcers for daring to arrest their leader.

News from the north of Limpopo is so disturbing that you we think the media is making up stories. This story sounded like one of those stories “Made in Zimbabwe”. Not long ago someone was interrogated showing the zap sign to the motorcade. Not only that he was interrogated his place was ransack by the so-called law enforcers. I thought that was made in Ghana in the late 60’s. But no is Made in South Africa in 2010 nogal. I think it is high time that the government start running the country  instead of fighting allegation after allegation. As I speak General Siphiwe Nyanda is alleged to have used taxpayers money for accommodation even though he has one from government how is that for waste of money.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Media getting nasty on Zuma

The British press had a ball ever since we won the bid to host the soccer World cup. They even sent the people to dig up some dirt irrespective of how remote it is from the soccer world cup.  But the only thing they could hold on to was crime, yes we have a crime problem in South Africa, but does it really deserve the airtime it is getting in the British media? And what does that have to do with hosting a successful World Cup?

Now our dancing President gave them a new target, they called his visit comic opera. The President couldn’t choose the worse time, after the Sono Khoza saga or private matter depending on whom you are talking to. I am not sure if the presidential aid is doing their job here, it was clear even before Sonono story that the president was going to be under fire. Remember the sickening question about his wives? The presidential aids should have known that after the love child scandal they should let things cool down a bit. I know we must not give in to bad elements but this is humiliation.  It is not far from the state of the nation address where he made some blunders as if he didn’t rehearse his speech. First he Mentioned Irvin Khoza’s name in a week that he was suppose to be as diplomatic as possible and brought the two house of parliament down with laughter. Secondly unnecessarily referred to the Development Bank of South Africa as ABSA, which is where Sono Khoza is working, then a louder laughter again. 

Now the British media is savaging his remaining integrity if there is any still remaining by calling him a Sex-obsessed Bigot with 35 children and a buffoon. I am sure this is the worse insult to be directed at the head of state by British newspapers. Again Presidential aid failed to see this coming.

Did he bring this to himself? Does he deserve this? I am sure this man is not as intelligent as we would like him to be, but he is still our President. Lets protect him until we chuck him out of the office if the ANC don’t recall him because of his indiscretions. As for the British media you have rubbished our country like some of our white counter parts, but this has to stop because World Cup success will prove you wrong.

Friday, 26 February 2010

Three in a raw

They did it again and now there are rumours that the master tactician Gavin Hunt is leaving the club. Who can resist him, many club owners believed that it was players not him who is good. That led to exodus of players from Matsatsantsa the likes of Teko Modise, Mphela , Mashego, Pelembe, the list is endless. They were definitely quality players, but Hunt knows exactly what he wants fromplayers. He bought the likes of Pogenpoel, Maluleke, Lafor who proved to be excellent replacements hence they retained the Premiership.
The problem with coaches of small teams is that when the coaches leave they don’t usually make it in big teams. The reasonable option for Hunt is not to go for Chiefs, Sundowns and the likes, but target a national team. We have seen coaches from small teams (Owen Da Gama, Khabo Zondo etc ) fail to impress in big teams. We have seen the success of Clive Barker and Shakes mashaba as a national coaches after coaching the so called small teams. We don’t hear of intereference from management like in the big clubs (Pirates and chiefs) coach have a free reign.

Now that they have shown their dominance in South Africa, I am sure M-net can do with some mileage in the continent so that they can spread their wings further. What a better way to do that than to stay as long as possible in Champions league.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Is game on

I thought premier league is a foregone conclusion, Sundowns from nowhere are pushing for a dramatic finish. This is DeJavu for Supersport United they have been in the situation before and came out smoking can they do the same this season?

This situation is similar in the English Premier league. There were times when Chelsea looked like they were running away with the title. At some stage Arsenal was trailing by 11 points as we speak they are just one point ahead and Arsenal is back in contention after Chelsea and Man United dropped valuable points. Man U is not as strong, Chelsea is not constant against small teams. Now that Arsenal is done with the big 4 can they afford let this go? Only time will tell.

Opposition or Enemies

Since the elections I never heard from Bishop Dandala until after the state of the nation address. He was scathing in his criticism of Zuma speech tonight. I wonder if he was just attacking for the sake of attacking. His criticism didn’t have substance though, did he really had to say something.

Over the years we have seen the opposition like this from the likes ofTony Leon and Keneth Meshoe. I don't think we need this kind of politics now. People should add value when they criticise especially ourso called new democracy. I couldn't help to lough when the most number of people in the house lought the president's mentioning Irvin Khoza. that took me back to the Zapiro cartoon I saw on Monday where people were thinking of his sex exploites rather than the speech he was delivering. Zapiro can be spot on sometimes neh?

Monday, 8 February 2010

Jo'burg Metro Police Department

I owe the city of Jo’burg R100 .00 in traffic fine. This was in 2008 I tried to pay them over the Internet but their details were not matching. I kept my money then they gave us a 50% discount savings and me I jump to the opportunity. This time I went straight to Absa bank. They told me the account number was wrong I should call the JMPD for their details. The chance of paying R50.00 went up in smoke

 In 2010 I received an email, I am not sure where did they hack to get it because I never gave them. This time they were giving me a warning that if I don’t pay they will send me a warrant of arrest. They gave all their banking details, scared to death to go to prison I ran to absa towers at Commissioner Street to make payment. To my disappointment the bank account they gave me was still wrong. I was not prepared to take chances this time I called them on the spot. They gave me a correct account number, but the problem was that the reference was not correct. Every time I called they kept me on hold and later give me another reference. I left the bank without paying, so the following day first thing I called JMPD they gave me another reference, which still did not work. I gave them the last call and I told them this should be the last time, the person on the other side told me “no you are not the only one let me take you details we will call you when we have sorted this out” I am still waiting. So much for service delivery.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Is this not the time to let the President live his life?

Just when we were  getting used to the fact that our president has entered the  race that used to be a two horse race between Kings Mswati and Zwelithini, he just surprised everyone with the latest addition to his list of 19 kids. It seems like he also caught ANC by surprise, judging by the man they chose to speak on this matter. Mr Jackson Mthembu’s story keeps changing depending on the radio station and the presenter he is talking to.

When we the world heard that Bill Clinton had an extra marital affair the world new went to over drive so was their PR department. I am quiet surprised that the ruling party not ready for this since the story broke out as early as Thursday to them. If JZ wants this to go away he must say something or it will be headline news for along time. Mr Jackson’s response that it is his private life doesn’t cut it with me. It is the same ANC that said the president apologised for having sex with out a condom with an HIV woman. That was after he had sex with another child of his friend. What do we do? we rest our case and let it go (zilime ziye etyeni) or do we make as much noise as possible?

The President is free to practice his culture, but infidelity was never an African culture and it not abut to be now either. It was always a shame in African societies so we can’t make it a fashion because our head of state does.

The Presidency is supposed to be dealing with bigger issues concerning this country, the continent and the world. Where does he get all the time to sleep with all these women? When heads of states are so bussy? I was speaking to my boss yesterday and he just doesn’t understand that if he can’t cope with one partner how come that the president, the CEO of the country get all the time for three wives, a fiancĂ© now a girl friend?

It is a pity that the Presidency has been reduced to tabloid news about sex, sex addiction, infidelity instead of service delivery.  Can’t our president just zip up roll up the sleeves dedicate his time on running the country instead of making news for all the wrong reasons.

CAF and African Football

CAF is at it again, this is after anti climax Africa Cup of Nation that was held in Angola. This year’s tournament was in the news even before the first whistle was blown when the Togo team was ambushed in Cabinda. There was uncertainty as to whether they would play or not. Players were willing to play to honour the dead notwithstanding trauma they were going trough.

Angola’ s interior infuriated his Togolese counterpart by shifting the blame to them. Togolese government decided to call their players and sent then the presidential private Jet. The drama didn’t end there, Togo was disqualified from the tournament even though they were prepared to play. Now CAF has just added salt to the wound by suspending the poor nation from CAF activities. I wonder if Issa Hayatou and his cronies would rich the same conclusion if it was Cameroon or Nigeria who had this misfortune.
Togo didn’t asked to be shot at and they are Soccer players not soldiers who soldier on when their colleagues die.

What all know that FIFA don’t like it when the government interfere in football matters, but this one was a special case. Seeing that Togo had been disqualified already CAF should have shown compassion by not suspending them. As Jeff Moloi and his team said it last night “it is not a football matter” when people get killed for matters not related to Soccer. I am not surprised that Adebayor is calling for Hayatou’s head. I hope sanity will prevail and the suspension be lifted after their appeal.  

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Happy ending

The late Teddy Pendergrass once said, “life is a song worth singing”, but when I look at what is happening in the world around me, he couldn’t be more wrong. Life seems to be a song one has to sing because there is no other choice. I have seen people struggle their whole life. A friend of mine Michael was born to a loving family, they went to church every Sunday wearing suits that look alike. He was around thirteen his brothers Hloni and Tumi were 11 and 9 respectively and younger sister Nono.

When he was fourteen their mother was struck by lightning, as they were young and their father working in Gauteng they were sent to live with their Gogo (grand mother). During those years men lived in single sex hostels and went home once a year. Like most men, he discovered a new woman and later he moved in with her. He forgot about his kids and moved on with his life. When Gogo died kids were left to fend for themselves. Michael came to work in the mines. He didn’t do much to uplift his siblings either, and it was not long before bad luck strike again. He was retrenched for joining a union (NUM) and went to sit at home. By now his siblings were living separate lives like strangers even worshiping at different churches.

I went to initiation school with one of his young brothers by then he was trying to reopen their neglected home, which still bore the scars of lighting years later. He wanted them to be a family again as he worked as a seasonal worker in Cape Town. During off season he got another job  as a security guard for Security Company that was transporting money. Before cash in transit heist were in fashion in South Africa his boss told him not to come to work on a certain Monday. On that Monday his colleagues were ambushed and undisclosed amount taken. He was the prime suspect because he was not there on that day. He was never convicted, but he lost his job anyway.

He stayed with a relative and he seemed fine except that they were wonderers again. The families were not keen on taking them back. Unfortunately a relative he was living with died. He was forced to leave as the relatives were fighting over the house, but another relative  called Thabiso took him in. It was not long before news broke out. Thabiso’s wife was pregnant and Michael was the father. He went to ground for sometime.

Sometimes God can see when you are desperate, a big supermarket chain called Boxer soon employed him. Three years later he lost his job under unclear circumstances that he doesn’t want to discuss with anyone. By then he had build a life for himself and his younger sister. By then he was married with a kid. He was back to square one, but now there were two more mouths to feed. Forced to reopen their home with the hope that they will make it. His wife became a hard working hawker in Town. Luck was still on his side. He got the job in the farms of Cape Town and he was looking after his family well and in the process of stopping to drink. One evening I received a depressing call from him he wanted us to me as he was coming to Tygerburg Hospital for a check up. I agreed and I was living just a stone throw away from the hospital in the nearby Parow Valley. He was diagnosed with Throat cancer. This was so advanced that the hospital applied for grant and order him to stop smoking and stop working. The only good news is that he is still alive living on the meagre grant with wife and 3 kids. The kind of life they live thought them to be independent, but no one went to school beyond standard 7 (grade 9). He is depressed drinking cheap home brew beer to forget about his worries that he wake up to daily. The circle continues as his kids are already struggling to pay school fees.
Will there be a happy ending I don’t think so.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Cup football in England

I have been asking myself how much money is put into Carling cup and FA cup? Is it not bothering the sponsors the fact that big clubs (Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea in particular) play second stream sometimes even reserves as Arsenal do every year even when they have no chance of winning league?

Thanks to Manchester derby the stakes are high this season the fact that Man U is out of FA and the league is not looking good, Sir Alex will want to take this one at least and wait to see how the season goes.

I wish Man city and Man U were playing a final, it would be the biggest in a very long time. The only thing that seems to matter is top four spot in English premier league, I think is unfair on sponsors.


Rally was a spectacle, I am not a motorbike fan, but Mac Coma was outstanding. He did not win the race but gees what a rider. In cars section I wanted VW especially de villiers and Miller to win for obvious reasons, but AL Athia was devastating He came second to Carlo Sainz                                                                                                                    
. Overall Cars were good to watch especially because there we no deaths reported in this years rally. Hummer was flying, BMW X3 was quick ,but also quick to capsize. Those cars were pushed to the limit literally I wouldn’t mind watching it over and over. I like rally anyway.