It was on Phat Joe Show on SABC where I began to really see that Phat Joe was in the bad space. That evening he had Mfundi Vundla of Generations Fame the interview was not what I expected from Mfundi and Phat Joe was making sure that his programme turns to be anti Etv rather than entertain. You will remember both Phat Joe and Mfundi were kicked out of Etv (Phat Joe show and Backstage) Thanks goodness SABC took it off air as well, but on air on Metro fm he was even worse. Kenny lost his job because Phat Joe was late with his crew, I hope no one will lose his or her jobs at Khaya FM. Ironically was impressed with the new Phat Joe on Kaya fm I hope he will keep strait and stay away from damaging controversy like he did on Yfm. Good luck Joe
I personally think Kaya FM is a bit too serious for the Phat one, if you know what i mean
I think so too, but maybe they want some young and funky listenership for breakfast.
I think the Phat one is being restricted in terms of what he wants to do and the musci he plays.I think he should be allowed to compile his own musci for the Breakfast Show.The boy is hyper intelligent.
But I think he has matured now, he is handling the show well so far balancing the old and the young if you know what I mean.
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