Wednesday, 1 October 2008


Earlier this morning I read Lucky Mazibuko's Column "Just call me lucky". It is a piece of inspiration by a man who see thing in a positive way. the name of this column is very interesting I interpreted it as he prefers to be called by his first name Lucky, one might say he feels lucky to be afforded a platform when people living with HIV are discriminated against or just like all of us he feels lucky to be alive.

But lucky comes n different forms to people, on Sundays I watched a program a called Justice Factor on E news channel and I couldn't’t believe that Justice Malala is doing the programme. He looked lie he was doing the show facing the barrel of a gun and someone was busy telling him to relax. If you have seen our president talking to the nation you Will know what I am talking about. At least the president is still new in these things.

The creators of the shows have an excellent concepts but the execution is killing it. There are vibrant hard-hitting reporters at e like Ben Said even the ambitious Tumahole Mohlaodi can do a better job than Justice Malala. If I can see that man stuttering on my TV screen again I will never watch e news channel at that time. This is exactly what they did with Mathatha Tsedu on one of Deborah Patta’s good ideas unfortunately accompanied by Authoritarian (Patta)

E news channel is good concept that I think with time will a force to be reckoned with in Africa and the world. New ideas are coming and they can only grow from strength to strength. Timing couldn't’t be better to launch a 24-hour news channel for Africa at least South Africa for now. May be they should count themselves lucky that this dog eat dog territory for so long.

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