Friday, 14 November 2008
Monday, 3 November 2008
Erratic leadership
The ANC have no one but themselves to blame for the position they are in. ever since the Polokwane triumph they were so erratic that they find themselves having to defending their positions every Monday. They tried to attack newspapers by claiming that they have a hidden agenda, but that didn’t stick as they were the ones were making minor mistakes and the newspapers took them up on them. If you think back, the response of Gwede Mantashe to a newspaper article about Dikgang Moseneke. His response was so hushed up one could easy hear that he had never familiarised himself with the statement such is the lack of diplomacy in the man I use think of motlante he was asked about Jacob Zuma article in 2006.his response was swift but diplomatic, left newspapers with no chance to misquote him. Mantashe to his credit is more accessible to the media than Motlanthe but his comments have always black clashed. After the ANC NEC decided to discard Mbeki Mantashe said as NEC they saw took the decision because they wanted to unite the ANC boy did they get that wrong? This is the decision they will live to regret even if they don’t admit it. It is a decision, which was taken by an angry people headed by Mathew Phosa. Ironically Phosa was one of the best in the ANC for me and I was very upset as an ANC followers when he was sacked. Can someone explain why the ANC decided to use Mbeki ‘s letter to discredit Lekota and Shilowa. In the first place both Men made it clear that Mbeki had to part in their new movement. Now in a string of errors of judgment they decide to select favourable sentence, which were very few. Once again they knew exactly that within their ranks they have people who were going to jump to Lekota’s movement over the weekend who could leak the letter to Lekota or even to the media. As the ANC was busy refusing to release the letter I already had the full nine-page letter in my email. The ANC leadership never saw that coming. The ANC is battling to keep the movement together, instead of campaigning for the elections they are busy defending the statements they are making. Maybe now is the time for the ANC to focus on running the country and electioneering and stop these countless press conferences that always back fires. Maybe Motlanthe's strategy was the right one …talk only when it is absolutely necessary. Is Jesse Duarte the Spokesperson of the movement? Or Gwede Manatashe? Where is Tiyani Rikhotso? Only the organisation in crises can let its leadership do the spin doctoring... yet we are told "there is no crises". It is not surprising because we were told that there was to misunderstanding with the ANC until recently when they could not spin that any more. In any case I more likely to vote ANC again but they are not going to get the two-thirds majority which might be good for the country, but might vote is not guaranteed this time
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Hotheaded Luke
Luke Watson want to Puke on the Bok Jersey so what? Bhutana “shoot from the hip” Khompela is running a one man show to remove the Bok emblem from the Jersey so what?It is always interesting how some white people suddenly have love for the poor when their pride is at stake. When it sooth them they speak of reverse racism and don’t give a hoot about what life is like for a black chilled who is born with out a roof over his head. Try and talk name change or Bok emblem you will hear the likes if Cliff Saunders expressing their concern about the black poor and how money could be used to build houses other than to dismantle apartheid dominance. Luke Watson’s private conversation has been deliberately put in the public to vilify him. Read any Afrikaans newspaper on Watson then you will know what I am talking about. Majority of Afrikaners hate his family so is his politics.
Amongst whites there are known racists who are not apologetic about it yet you will never hear an Afrikaner newspaper exposing them. When a woman was assaulted by Racist Afrikaaners at Ellis Park Spectators mostly white look the other way, but if it were the opposite there would be a pandemonium. Some of the things that he said are uncalled for, but please he didn’t call a press conference to say them. Those were his private views on SARugby . These Guys go through tough times remember Jake White Castigating him and pretending to the media that all is well as he was treating him like a deadly virus. He rubbed that negative energy to player and went on to bragged about it in his biography. At least Luke didn’t wait until his carrier is over (it might be over already in national team colours) to speak his mind. Chester Williams didn’t want to upset his masters that He only spoke about the Bok experience when his carrier was over. Honestly I can’t wait for Makhaya Ntini’s Biography I am sure al dirty secrets will be exposed the 1999 Australian Tour, World Cup in West Indies. That will be a cracker.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Earlier this morning I read Lucky Mazibuko's Column "Just call me lucky". It is a piece of inspiration by a man who see thing in a positive way. the name of this column is very interesting I interpreted it as he prefers to be called by his first name Lucky, one might say he feels lucky to be afforded a platform when people living with HIV are discriminated against or just like all of us he feels lucky to be alive.
But lucky comes n different forms to people, on Sundays I watched a program a called Justice Factor on E news channel and I couldn't’t believe that Justice Malala is doing the programme. He looked lie he was doing the show facing the barrel of a gun and someone was busy telling him to relax. If you have seen our president talking to the nation you Will know what I am talking about. At least the president is still new in these things.
The creators of the shows have an excellent concepts but the execution is killing it. There are vibrant hard-hitting reporters at e like Ben Said even the ambitious Tumahole Mohlaodi can do a better job than Justice Malala. If I can see that man stuttering on my TV screen again I will never watch e news channel at that time. This is exactly what they did with Mathatha Tsedu on one of Deborah Patta’s good ideas unfortunately accompanied by Authoritarian (Patta)
E news channel is good concept that I think with time will a force to be reckoned with in Africa and the world. New ideas are coming and they can only grow from strength to strength. Timing couldn't’t be better to launch a 24-hour news channel for Africa at least South Africa for now. May be they should count themselves lucky that this dog eat dog territory for so long.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Deja vu
Monday, 8 September 2008
Supplementary Exams
We have lost our Africaness, we have lost respect for the elders, and I remember taking a late taxi from Thembisa to Pretoria one Saturday evening. The last two people to board were two teenagers around 18-19 years a boy and a girl. Initially the girl didn’t want to board the taxi but her boy friend convinced her to. Whilst they were in side the girl was crying non-stop until the Taxi driver had to intervene. The young boys response was what you would expect of today’s youth ”Tswa mo ho rona wena timer nako ya hao e fetele” (leave us alone old man you time has passed)
It is this kind of disrespect that I am referring to, even our politics are not immune to this. Former ANC youth leader Fikile Mbalule spoke like he was talking to a boy when he made his public utterances about a sitting President of the country. Immediately after Polokwane triumph he made one of those outrageous statements “Mbeki was put on power by us and it’s us who removed him” not only did this sound undiplomatically and stupid but disrespectful as well. What happened to winning gracefully? I thought winning was the ultimate goal for the Zuma Machine and they would start healing immediately… boy was I wrong. What was really disturbing was that the Origination’s elders kept quiet as if nothing happened.
Kgalema Motlanthe one of the few who still have their dignity intact after all this Mshiniwam era, did do anything as they were busy eyeing positions post Polokwane. Now the ANC ineptitude is haunting them. Motlanthe is the first victim of their quiet diplomacy on ANC youth league. Malema and his idiots came so hard on him that he had to run for cover. I wonder if we will ever hear him speak ill of the youth league again. Apparently Malema even refused to apologies that, they agreed to differ …what ever that means. Zuma is as quiet as a mouse, so much for a future leader of the country. South Africans like to talk non-sense… we talk ubuntu and the next thing we burn people alive, talk of reconciliation the next you hear “ Kill the boer kill the farmer”, Nafcoc in the Western cape has just sent warning letters to Somalia’s who want to do business in the townships letting them know that they are not welcome. Do we even know or understand what these terms that we use so loosely reconciliation, ubuntu, Africa renaissance means or they have become part of our rhetoric? If this is the African renaissance era we have been talking about Almighty helper us all.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
living under constant violence
Whilst police were executing their duties two innocent people find themselves under fire. Knowing how violent criminals are in this country this kind of a mistake is the the last, but lets do everything possible to stop the repeat. I am glad to know that the family has accepted that nothing could be done to avoid this situation under those circumstances. But I think the statement made by the Democratic Alliance (DA) that this s the result of shoot to kill command from deputy minister is very unfortunate. This is not time to score political points. I have grown to respect the DA under the leadership of Helen Zille but statement like this when our country is run by violent criminals does not help their course.
I have not facts about the whole incident but I believe the police gave warning and when they didn't stop they started shooting. Even if it was me, I would probably run under those circumstances and we all know we can’t trust some of the police. But can you put your self in the shoes of those police. How were they supposed to know that the car is not being used as a get away car seeing that is came from the scene of crime? Many time when police blink they find themselves under fire and we have lost a lot of them. I wish them speedy recovery and hope that they will be able to live their normal life again…I know life will never be the same.
Monday, 1 September 2008
Hooligans sport

A friend of mine was at Coca-cola Park (Ellis park) when the bokke trounced the wallabies 53-8. I wished I were there. A Friend of mine was there to witness history in the making. Peter Devilliers despite having his big guns out…listen to this Brian Habana, John Smit, Bakkies Botha, Kawkonski, JP Peterson, Jaque Fourie, he managed to inspire his charges. He got his plan right this time, he got his combinations right and most importantly he got his transformation right.
The players finally understand what he wants. At first I didn’t even understand what they mean by expensive rugby, but after Saturday I do. I couldn’t wait to hear what my friend would say about the performance. Unfortunately he came back disappointed, whites on the left stand of the Ellis Park stadium didn’t want blacks people there. They made sure that you feel unwelcome, those black who forced their way were hurled with plastic tumblers.
My friend was so scared he was wondering when the match would finish. It was his first test match rugby and he assured me it was also the last one. Not only that some white don’t want transformation in the field of play they also don’t want it on the grand stand. Most whites want us to believe that Verwoed forced them with privileges they didn’t want …nonsense whites are racists finish and klaar. Doubt those who say they are not if they really meant that.
Ironically when whites attend soccer matches they are treated with respect and people go out of their way to make them feel at home, the I wish I can say the same about whites. There were poor women who love rugby who had to leave at half way mark as they couldn’t take it anymore and they had no guy to protect them they were vulnerable to those drunk rude racists.
People pay their money to watch rugby so I hope RARFU will do something about this teach the hooligans a lesson or two. Someone asked me if Rugby fans would flock to the stadiums if the team transforms well and win the matches as well. An answer from my white and Coloured colleagues was resounding YES, but after this I am not sure they still feel the same. As for me I will watch it on screen till kingdom come, I am not about to humiliate myself even if that satisfies racist I am OK.
Friday, 29 August 2008
Moral regeneration
I always here of South Africa needing moral regeneration…do we really understand that. I think I am one of those who just about to throw in the towel in this one. South Africa is riddled with corruption, those who are meant to fight crime a actually leading crime to money laundering, ATM bombing people don’t know who to turn to.
Most interestingly now I remember one man who was trusted with moral regeneration of our youth actually helped himself.
Walking down Noord Street and Plain streets in Johannesburg is like walking on Adults only streets as people unashamedly and proudly selling pornographic movies for R10.00. Listen to this police were browsing through and I thought the guy was just about to be arrested when one of them reached into his pocket took out R20.00, took one movie and his colleague to take one.
When I was stopped by the police on my way to Pretoria west I chose not to stop and I knew they could shoot, but I wanted to stop where there were other motorists. I am sure I am not alone on this one Police do crime on police vehicles you never know when you going to be their next victim.
There is corruption at all levels, go to church you will religious big wigs calling others names because they dare to ordain Gay priests. Anglican Church is divided into two those who follow American way of doing things and those who follow the African way of doing things where is the country going? Moral regeneration... what regeneration
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Invest in Africa

It is the truth that can’t be denied that a new democracy in South Africa opened floodgates for international companies to go to Africa under the disguise of South African companies. I think of companies like Vodafone, which fro a very long time wanted to invest in Africa until Vodacom opened the doors form them forget that they failed dismally though.
Travelling to African countries you feel like an American seeing McDonalds and Coca-Cola everywhere. I was speaking to a Tanzania trade unionist yesterday, he told me that South Africa figuratively and literally runs their economy. Railways, telecoms, Banks and big business what more do you want. Shoprite in Malawi pay they staff quarter of what they pay their South African counterparts even though they don’t pay well even here.
What is really sad is that all the money made from these countries flow to South Africa. South African Companies like your Shoprite and Game shops don’t use local production, they import staff from South Africa. That directly kills the economy of those countries, as they can’t compete with us. When Zim was reeling from ever increase inflation rate Pick n’ pay, Makro, Game etc never used Zim industries instead they kept on importing from South Africa, this has destroyed their industries. This pushed 12000 Zimbabweans across the boarder weekly in 1996. Law of migration says people follow money. Maybe that is why every one wants to go to Europe or US I am not sure though about those who go to Australia and New Zealand. South Africa attracts migrants more than any other country in Africa.
We doing this in the name of investing in Africa, is it not surprising that PetroSA is doing business with Mugabe government, Equatorial Guinea of Theo Nguema? One might think that South Africans then benefit, no we don’t instead we are punished just like them. Can you explain what make SASOL petrol to cost the same as Shell petrol? I heard that they produce a barrel from coal at around $40/50.00 but sell it at the price of the Brent crude oil. To add salt in the wound they also get someone from government.
How can we loot Africa and expect that foreigners won’t come to South Africa. But the Truth is that African elite doesn’t want their countryman to come to South African because “they want South Africa for themselves’ Maria in one of the Seminars held at SABC. They want private hospitals, private school and tertiary institutions. Go to any former whites only University or high School and will be amazed how many children of the foreign elite mainly from Africa are in those schools. At least they help to improve the demographics in schools. The Elite from Mozambique live in Nespruit and drive one hour to their native land. South Africa benefited from the crises in Africa, maybe let me rephrase SA big business benefited big time from crises in Africa even though they won’t admit (based on moral values that is if they do have them).
Monday, 25 August 2008
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
War or Cold War

Thursday, 7 August 2008
Corrupt or Corruptee
How often do you hear people talk about Traffic department in Gauteng? Actually people don’t even listen to you any more because there is nothing new you will ever hear. Whatever you new experience you have someone probably thousands have been trough that. Gauteng has become another Eastern Cape where corruption is part of official work. Traffic ever since I came to contact with them that is since I started driving, there was always bribery there corruption there but not to the magnitude of what we are witnessing today. When my wife took driving lessons her instructor told him that she would have to pay some extra fee for to get a date through his driving school. She ignored him and booked via Call centre.
There are so many stories about that call centre… to cut the story short she was told there was no date available, but she must keep on calling at least every hour. Fortunately she had a job where she had a phone. Little did she know that she will call every half an hour for 5weeks and hear the same line over and over “we are sorry there are no dates available” Seeing that her learners license might expire before She can even test once she joined the throngs to Rustenburg. There was no luck either as they only take a certain number of people per day, but interestingly over whelming majority on those people are Gautengers who spent their money to be there because their province failed them. I am told call centre was introduced to curb corruption, but the unemployed in our town ships cannot they really afford to call every half an hour for more than five weeks.
At long last she got a date but unfortunately there is no guarantee to pass so she failed. Would she start all over again with call a centre? Her friend from the Eastern Cape told her she has already paid someone in the Eastern Cape but he disappeared with her money and she can’t report him to the authorities. Desperate times call for desperate measure my wife was told of a guy in Jozi who can save her from her misery. They met at a secret spot and I was on call if anything untoward could happen to her.
This is where this became very interesting for me.
- For R500 One can actually buy a date no questions asked (in the mean time people are calling day in day out and being told there are no dates.
- For a refundable R2000 one can by the actual pass.( if you fail you get you money back)
- Are you afraid to drive but you want a drivers license? You can have yours without lifting a finger… that is if you can fork out R6000.
Monday, 14 July 2008
Fuel saving Tips
- Avoid prolonged warming up of engine 30-15 second isa plenty of time.
- Don't stop and start engine needlessly...did you know that idling your engine for one minute consumes the same amount of fuel as starting it.
- Avoid "revving" the engine especially just before switching off your engine.
- don't do jackrabbit starts, accelerating slowly after you have stopped saves fuel.
- Choose type and brand of fuel that does not burn quickly.
- Don't fill the fuel tank to the top...never let petrol atendent fill your tank past the automatic first "click" of fuel nozzle.
- never exceed legal speed limit, they are set for your traveling safety and also save fuel.
- Traveling fast in low gear can consume up to 45% more fuel than it is needed.
- Keep your windows closed when traveling at highway speed. wind can your mileage by up to 10% which too high given the situation we are in as motorists.
- Drive steadily up or high, speed start wast fuel.
- Avoid tailgating: not only is unsafe, but it affects your fuel economy.
- Accelerate before you reach the hill not while you're on it.
- Resting your foot on the pedals whilst driving puts a "mechanical drag" on engine parts and also demand more fuel.
- Avoid rough roads if possible because it will rob you of up to 30% of fuel mileage.
- Compare traveling distances or roads with less traffic congestion.
Friday, 11 July 2008
Living big on meagre salary
South Africans are a very interesting bunch. Most of us especially Africans we like expensive clothes expensive cars yet we all know we can’t afford them. Tito Mboweni says that we must tighten our belts but if you go eKasi where one would think that people would be more conscious about the economy given the realities around them it is astounding to hear people talking about Hammer and BMW’s. Contrary to that whites are downgrading to smaller cars renting out their houses and living elsewhere. Again given our belief that whites are rich and have it all I was expecting this to be happening to our people.
When Kulula .com was introduce into our Skies I thought that was the opportunity for us to fly. Instead I head my fellow Africans saying they can never take cheap flights on Kulula, Mango and 1time. And indeed when you take BA and SAA you see a lot of Africans and go to Kulula or other cheaper airlines you find them full of pale faces. So Africans don’t know the meaning of savings?
Recently Metro rail introduced business express between Soweto and Jozi and Between Pretoria/Tswhane and Jozi. I am not sure about the SOWETO line, but the Pretoria line is busy. Fair enough Africans are there, but given the demographic of this country they are still way less than one would expect instead they choose to drive their x5 in Ben Schoeman highway. If you think back there was a metro plus express from the Nigel/Spring line sometime ago. The service failed as people chose to use their cars and it was stopped. A friend of mine who lives in Nigel now want that express to come back it Probably the reason why we have price fixing problems in the country is this obsession with big life. This is not the time to live big it is time to live an affordable life amid high prices all around us.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
...basis point
Monday, 7 July 2008
When ANC sneezes even the Judiciary catches the flu

It looks like changes in the ANC are affecting all our institutions, but in a bizarre turn of events Judge president Hlophe made he feeling known about his politics something unheard of in this country.What I will never understand is why Judge president Hlophe always make news for the wrong reasons. Is there a vendetta against him? By who? Initially I thought he was a victim of circumstances we all know our history, but this time Hlophe has gone from ridiculous to outrageous. I read he letter where he is trying so hard to convince everyone that he is a victim. What I didn’t understand is why every time he chats with his colleagues (Japhta, Nkabonge and Ngcobo) a Zuma case would just come up, that is still boggling me. May be is time for the Judge president to step-down before damage is done to Judiciary and his reputation. By now we all know he thinks that there is no case against Zuma, which on its own is not a sin, but he didn’t have to go around selling his feeling to Judges that are dealing with this case.
As for Judge Pius Langa, he made a mess out of a storm in a teacup. I n my view this case could be solved within Judiciary. The public didn’t necessarily have to know about it. It is not the first time Judge Langa makes a mess. He is the one who saved him when he faced an impeachment. Ironically Hlophe is targeting him as his enemy number one.
In 1998 Judge Langa headed a commission of enquiry into the Lesotho elections on behalf of SADC. He was supposed to give Basotho the results but he chose not to. He kept the results and came back to South Africa with them. Back in the country when he was supposed to give them to President Mandela he kept them to himself. By that time all this already disconcerted Basotho. They were openly saying the results were being doctored in South Africa even though Pakalitha Mosisili said he would be bound by the results. Few weeks later he sent back to Lesotho. Few days later the acting President Mangosuthu Buthelezi sent the troops to raid Lesotho before the results could be made public. So Hlophe issue is not a coincidence.
Moseneke is no angel according to the ANC so is the host of others who presided over apartheid. Is our Judiciary in crises? Can they really come up with some encouraging results? I don’t think so.
Friday, 4 July 2008
Wimbledon finals again

Once again the Williams sisters Venus and Serena are contesting Wimbledon. I am a fan of these sisters I am not a tennis fan, but I have my favourites whom I can spend the whole day watching them from way back starting from John McEnroe, Stephie Graafe, Martina Navratilova. Later the likes of Amanda Coetze for being a South African I could hardly see her play, Pete Sampras and the Williams sisters were the latest on my list. This Wimbledon was full of Surprises one of the Russian heavy weights was eliminated very early except Dementieva who lost to Venus Williams on the semis. Serena faced the sensational hard working Zheng Jie whom I thought won’t give Serena much problem, but she did. Serena had to dig deep into her experience to beat her.
I have heard people say they don’t like it when finals become a family affair others went as far as suggesting that the final will be decided over the Williams dinner table. Honestly the experts never gave the Williams sisters a chance. When they joined professional ranks sceptics called for their father to leave them to the pros if he wanted them to succeed. He ignored all those calls and succeeded then they moved on and said he won’t sustain the high standard he had set for the girls it is time to go. When they dominated the circuit people began to talk of family affair that is boring, that they don’t give their all or the final is decided at home. I wish for Venus to win this time her sister dominated her in all the finals in England.
Monday, 30 June 2008
Maybe there is something to say about EURO after all
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Not much to write home about in Euro 2008
In Soccer there is a lot of superstition, I remember in my playing days we believed that when you leave a change room you must not look behind until you reach the field of play. It has been around for some time but when my friend told me that Liverpool was going to win the 2005 EUEFA champions league finals against AC Milan I thought he was crazy. On paper AC Milan was the favourites, but he told me “ In 1982 the Pope died… Prince Charles married princess Diana and Liverpool won the champions league,” he said. Needless to say the out comes reflected that.
In Euro 2008 I tried mine, when realising that Spain was going to play Italy I started looking at their history . What I found out was astounding, Spain had failed to live up to expectations in big tournament … and I thought that was a general knowledge. They had played three of their last major tournaments until penalties. Incredibly they had lost all those matches. They lost to Belgium in Mexico1986. Lost again in Wembley against England in 1996 and recently against South Korea in 2002 in Japan. . In superstition terms odds were against them.
Italy had its fair share of misfortunes in penalty shoot out in the world cup finals in 1990, 1994 and 1998 but that seemed to have past as they had won on their last penalty shoot out in 2006. I watched the whole match between Spain and Italy thanks to paternity leave I didn’t have to wake up and go to work. I was not surprised though when Spain won because like Italy they had to break that bad luck at some stage.
I think Afcon was more enterprising than Euro 08. Players are tired from long season and not much is different from European leagues and the Champions league.
I wish Spain good luck.
Thursday, 15 May 2008
What is more important than life?
When driving on the free way why do motorbikes drive between cars? Why can’t they use the far right small lane which is normally unused and it is not an emergency lane either? Is it illegal to do so? I have seen so many motorbikes involved in accidents as a result of driving between the cars. I am always aware of them on the road especially when they have their head lights on bright it makes it easier other motorist to monitor them on their rear view mirrors.
Earlier this morning just before 06h00, a black Volvo was joining the onramp at high speed right in front me. I was driving on the middle lane at about 70km per. That car came straight from the on ramp to the lane on my left going past in front of me on the middle lane and straight across to the right lane. On joining the right lane not to mention that it did not even indicate the intentions to change lanes a motorcycle had just passed me, and two seconds later what I saw was horrific.
The Black Volvo bumped the motor bike. The impact didn’t seem to be that much until what followed, the bike flew to the air like a piece of wood sending the biker soaring to a big lamp post and back to the far right small lane . On the ground he did not make any movement and I assumed he was dead. I immediately I stopped the car and ran to what looked like a lifeless body. By the time I reached him more people have stopped their cars and ran to help. To my relief he was still alive, he could still move his body including his feet.
There was a young lady whom when we all panicked and didn't know what to do was very calm. She took charge of the situation like and accident professional if there is any thing like that. I was very impressed she called metro police who took ages to come. Seeing that so many people were helping and they were coping I decided to leave as early as I could.
I have seen the Think bike guys pleading with the motorists on freeway bridges, on TV and on the radio, but by the look of things no one is listening. Lets respect them as we respect other motorists. I don’t want to imagine how many people were inconvenienced by just what happened this morning. One accident can cost one up to an hour on the road. Lets think bike.
Monday, 5 May 2008

Thursday, 24 April 2008
Woza 2010
Finally we are getting somewhere even if is slowly.My car was due for a service so I decide to take a taxi to work instead of working from home. There is something new on the road if you travel from Pretoria to Jozi or visa versa you don’t you cash but you buy a meter card. At the door there will be someone who will swipe your card and let you in, first you must ensure that when you buy you card they activate it because other give problems. Now any one can sit in front seat. I took the front seat, which I vowed I would never take after I made a mass in a taxi. In Gauteng there are no “Sgcabha boy” conductors if you live out of this province so a passenger who can count normally help the drivers to collect, count and give back change where it is due.
Today it was my turn as I came late and the guy next to the Driver wasn’t even a South African so the onus fell on me. I collected the money for all the passengers and gave them change but there was one person who didn’t pay. I gave back money to people and that didn’t help, as one person didn’t get her money. The driver stopped the bus and said we must make a plan even if that means we all pay extra 70cents. That was going to be a nightmare so I volunteered to pay the full R19.00, as I was the one who dealt with money. When I arrived in the office I realized that the passenger who didn’t pay was I. I said to myself never again would I take a front seat if I use a taxi.
Now things have changed woza 2010. I tried to engage the driver about this gadget but he didn’t seem to know much even though he acted big. He said it anew thing that monitors them in order to make extra money (which sounded dodgy to me) and that it monitors their speed. But I am convinced he was bluffing. How much do you know about these cards?
South African Music
I admire the likes of Arthur Mafokate, Lesley Sedibe ,Vusi Leeu and few who are making strides in this multimillion rand industry. I remember when I first met Vusi Leeu in 1998 he already had so many ideas about South African music and where he thinks it should go. He had worked with TkZEE, Mageu and many more at that time. The second time we met and this time he was delivering on his promise, he was carrying two CD’s and he wanted me to pump them on air.
These were the no name artist to me, I didn’t even know how am I going to convince drive time dj’s to play them. Speaking to Vusi about them I realised his good intentions about these new musos and I wanted to help. In those cd’s one group was called Gun Chess, the artists were two Yizo-yizo actors Gunman and Chester. If I still remember the title album was also GunChess. The other cd was of HipHop Pantsula who later became HHP. He was promoting them under the new label called CCP2.
I thought that was a pipe dream, but few years later whilst I was in Cape Town I heard a hit song called Ghetto Tragedy and I was told it was a collaboration between HHP and Mzambiya (where is that kid by the way?). That was the only time I took HHP and his SA Hiphop serious and look where he is today.Now Vusi have moved to his third face, together with Dj Bongz they have established a new label to promote up and coming Dj’s. keep it up guys we can only grow from such initiatives.
Friday, 18 April 2008

But I think more that an extra ordinary convoy Zim needs an extra ordinary leader and so far Tsvangirai has not impressed me. He contradicted himself I don’t know how many times. At one stage he wanted Mbeki to be relived and be replaced by Mwanawasa, when Journo’s press him reasons he made a big U turn. Now he wants Mbeki to have more people working with him and to stay in Zim until the crises is over. “President Mbeki has not failed” why do you want him out if you think he is succeeding.
Zimbabwe needs a change, but I hope Tsvangirai will be surrounded by intellectuals… did I say intellectuals? No I think they need progressive leaders. That is where Tsvangirai started isn't it? One thing I fully agree with the man is that Zim Need a change and that there is a crises in that country whichever way you look at it. The ANC president asked a question that really had me in stitches last week “ where have you heard of an electoral commission which runs elections and do the counting and sit on the results…just sit? No leader in SADC dares talk like that about Zimbabwe.
Thursday, 27 March 2008
A win at last
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
The fat one

It was on Phat Joe Show on SABC where I began to really see that Phat Joe was in the bad space. That evening he had Mfundi Vundla of Generations Fame the interview was not what I expected from Mfundi and Phat Joe was making sure that his programme turns to be anti Etv rather than entertain. You will remember both Phat Joe and Mfundi were kicked out of Etv (Phat Joe show and Backstage) Thanks goodness SABC took it off air as well, but on air on Metro fm he was even worse. Kenny lost his job because Phat Joe was late with his crew, I hope no one will lose his or her jobs at Khaya FM. Ironically was impressed with the new Phat Joe on Kaya fm I hope he will keep strait and stay away from damaging controversy like he did on Yfm. Good luck Joe
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Phunya selesele

Liverpool management also wanted Rafael Benitez out as soon as yesterday but fans had their way Rafa is still the manager at Liver pool. Celtics fans have shown maturity and understanding of the game over the last two years even when their team was in first division they showed their loyalty, when it loses games they continue to sing and dance until the last whistle just like New castle and inter Milan fans. Big up to Sewelele sama sele I hope management took this act in good spirit.
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Oh what a night.
South African soccer is getting there slowly but surely. I remember in 2005 I would not bother to go watch Ajax Cape Town and Super sport playing. Super sort was playing a better football then under Pitso, but pitting it against club like Santo Ajax Swallows it was a disaster. Their games were boring to say the least. Last night I saw a game of football … attacking, skill drama and goals 5 to be precise. South African soccer lovers are not disappointing they go to football matches, which is good for our football. That was a good match especially as it was UEFA champion’s league night as well.
Two of my favourite teams in Europe were in action unfortunately they were facing each other. I am happy for Wengers Chickens they deserve to win they were unlucky in the 1st leg. I hope they can take that form to premier league and consolidate their position which look more and under threat from their biggest rival Man U. They are the first English team to win in San siro stadium. Which is the second history after their 5-1 drubbing of Inter Milan do you still remember that win?
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Do we deserve this treament?
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Stranger in my house
In the early hours of the morning last week (around 04H00) I heard a hard knock on my front door I rushed to the door. A young man of about 25-28 years who looked very desperate was staring at me at the door. I asked him how he got into my house with gates locked, but I couldn’t understand him as he was only speaking Afrikaans and my Afrikaans is very poor (if you are a South African you know why)
Clearly he needed help as someone has beaten him in the streets (don’t ask me what he was doing in the streets at that time). I took him in and gave him some warm water, but what really surprised me was that when called the police he immediately jumped out and ran to the streets again. I still don’t understand why did he ask for help if he did not need one? Maybe I should buy a dog to keep strangers away from my house.
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Few days ago we heard of an 18 year old Razelle Botha whom a robber emptied a gun on her. Yesterday a 12 year old was fatally wounded and died on her way to Hospital. At least those robbers are in custody, but that won't bring theyoung girl back. If robbers were caught so fast most of the time I am sure they would be running scared. Big up to the men and women in blue.
Then Morgan tsuangrai and his people are robbed at their offices. What the hell is going on in this country? Is it possible that a member of the opposition from the US or Britain can come hear and be robbed of his or her belongings. I thought politicians when they especially high profile like Morgan would can some protection from our government.
I suspect that just like with Dumisani Khumalo he was followed from the Airport. The less I say about the ACSA th staff. better